When you go to school, somewhere deep inside you hope that you’re paired up with or get to sit next to that cute guy or girl in class, right? We’ve all been there, right? For a lucky few, sometimes that one little hope comes true. And not only do you get to spend time with that person, but together you get to experience a number of highs and lows together. And eventually a strong friendship or bond is created. It’s kind of the 1 thing many people hope for besides a degree, making good friends and maybe finding someone special. So you probably guessed that’s how Corinne & Anthony met. And while I won’t go into the details, but from the stories that I’ve heard, it’s great because your study buddies and partners often see you at your worst, most stressed, emotional states. And if your study buddy still falls for you, I’d say that they’re a keeper.
As for their wedding day, besides some strong winds that side tracked some of our portraits, I’d say the day was super perfect. Nearly everything went off without a hitch. Everyone was super fun and happy! And I really must say that we, the Esvy Photo & Video team, are grateful that Corinne & Anthony selected us. We had a stupendous time! Thank you, Corinne & Anthony!!!