Clark Kent, that man in tights we’ve grown to admire, met the love of his life, Lois Lane, while working at the Daily Planet. But I digress, while at the Daily Planet, Clark masqueraded as the Man of Steel and his heart secretly longed for Lois. As Superman, he was always there to save her life, while fighting the urge to reveal his true identity. Ryan is very much like Superman minus the tights, super powers, and affinity to swoop in out of no where. He’s unabashedly a hopeless romantic, that crossed paths with Jackie while working at a newspaper. And while she was oblivious to his affection at first, weeks and months went by and their love grew. Much like Lois and Clark, Lois eventually realized that Superman and Clark were one in the same. He may not have a big “S” on his chest like in the comics, but he is Superman to Jackie and she is Lois to him.